Annoying Ads

Hi P,

The creators of Poptropica added annoying ads to the site a few months ago and it is really getting on my nerves – and mostly everyone else’s for that matter. We’re hoping they’ll take them out of the game soon.

Also please be aware that sometimes the ads can cause a horrible glitch in the game if you try to skip them. This happened to me once and I just don’t want it to happen to anyone else. Because of this glitch, I sometimes wait it out when ads pop up on the new, updated islands. I haven’t seen any ads for a while though, so you should be good for the most part.

TTYL! 😉 -LaurBell

Mocktropica Rumors

Hey P! I wanted to address the fact that there are rumors about the Mocktropica Islandsuch as if the glitches in it will spread to other islands or that the ads are only temporary. The ads don’t seem to be temporary but Poptropica may take them down if they see that we don’t like them. Who knows? And no, it’s unlikely that the glitches will spread since that’s just the particular theme of the island. All other rumors may be addressed as well via email. Our email is Thank you.
– Stage Fright



I was thinking that it would be totes amaze if Poptropica would release POPcorn as a contribute to the game. It would be fun if it could somehow play a big part in the game. If you have any ideas on it then email us and tell us about them! and we will notify the Poptropica creators.

– LaurBell

Lost Avatars


Hey Poptropica! I just wanted to say that we lost all of our poptropica avatars so we are currently unable to update our “PFB Authors” page. We won’t be updating until further notice. Sorry guys! 😦

– Wild Popper

Poptropica Ideas

Many poptropica players have ideas for the game, but aren’t quite sure how to get them out to the creators. Today I wanted to help you get them out by filling out this form.

All ideas sent will be added to our “Ideas” page, and possibly noticed by the Poptropica Creators!

Over and out!

– Hipster Dolphin

The One-Word Name Glitch

Lately I’ve noticed that people have been talking about a glitch where when you create an account, your name will only show up with one word. Usually, there are two words in poptropica names. So today I wanted to clear that up and let ya’ll know that this glitch is non-existent when you actually begin using your account. When you start using your account, a second name will suddenly appear, but you won’t know what it will be until you start using it. If it does stay one word, then it won’t forever. Don’t ever use a one-word name if you don’t want to be prevented from knowing what it will be afterwards. Hipster Star had to deal with this; her name said just “Star” and then suddenly it was “Red Star” but she stuck with it anyway. 🙂

Anyway, just a warning.
– Slippery Crush

Poptropica Interviews

Hey, PFB!

We’re starting this thing called interviews, where we email you a load of questions, and you email us back your answers. We won’t get too personal with the questions; they’re mostly about your experience with Poptropica.

Fill in the form on the “Interviews” page of PFB to sign up for an interview.

All interviews will be posted and published to the “Interviews” page, so please do not sign up unless you don’t mind.

Over and out!
-Hipster Dolphin


How To Take a Screenshot

Guess what, PFB!? I figured out an easy way to take a screenshot while playing Poptropica! All you have to do is hold down command (if you’re using a Mac) or ctrl (if you’re using a PC), next shift, then 3. It takes a quick snapshot of your screen and afterwards you can find it on your desktop. From there you can basically upload it wherever you want! 🙂 Hope you like!

– Hipster Star